Tintale Village Mother´s Society – Nepal

Nepal is struggling to contain human trafficking. Trafficking laws routinely go unenforced, Nepali women and children are being coerced into the sex and construction industries. Demand for cheap labour in the destination countries is a major driving force, it’s also believed that lack of employment in Nepal and political instability since the end of the civil war nine years ago are equally responsible.

Low levels of education and awareness of women’s issues also play a significant role. NGO’s estimate over 12,000 girls each year are trafficked across the border where they are sold into Indian brothels and forced to become prostitutes. It’s reported these girls are as young as 7 years old and as old as 24 years old.

The women in the Mother’s Society in Tintale Village have banded together to protect their own daughters. In the film TO BRING THE CHANGE, PFCF administrator Shyam Basnet discusses a number of the challenges women and girls face each day. Dedicated members of the Mother’s Society travel the region to introduce issues of human trafficking, gender equality, and women’s rights with a focus on social justice – through the creative use of song, dance and dramatic reenactments. They are working towards social and economic empowerment of women and children. Because of this vital effort, many women in the region are now capable of raising their voice, more girls are attending school, and women are becoming more independent economically.

The Playing For Change Foundation thanks the brave women, girls and men representing the Mother’s Society, administrators Shyam Basnet and Ishor Bajracharya and ambassadors Josh Korb and Grace Edmunds.

It’s up to all of us who care,
William Aura | Director of PFCF Asian Music Programs

Learn more about the Mother’s Society and their life-saving work.