La Alianza


Partner Program

Since 2024

Through the services of La Alianza (ALA), victims of sexual violence and human trafficking gain access to comprehensive care, protection, and recovery. They are provided with the necessary tools to take control of their lives and undergo a transformation that allows them to become subjects of their rights.

ALA’s comprehensive art program, which has been in development for over a decade, not only seeks to foster creativity and physical expression in CAY, but also aims to equip them with socio-emotional skills that promote a therapeutic and healing approach, partnering with Playing For Change Foundation to institute formal music and art therapy and expand music programming across three ALA locations within and surrounding Guatemala City. 

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Guatemala is a country of rich cultural diversity with 25 recognized languages and nearly 40% of the population identifying as indigenous peoples such as the Maya, Xinca and Garifuna people . More than half of the population is under 30 years old in Guatemala. This diversity is expressed across the national geography, where natural, economic, social, and cultural elements converge, defining each territory with its unique development dynamics and social phenomena. Sexual violence and human trafficking has been a major issue faced in Guatemala, one the ALA has addressed for years through its unparalleled and holistic approach. 

Recording studio

Artist development

Cultural preservation


La Alianza Association (ALA) is an institution with a long-standing tradition in the care, protection, and advocacy of human rights for children, adolescents, and youth (CAY). It was re-established in Guatemala by Covenant House International in 2010 and now operates three locations in Mixco – Guatemala, Coatepeque – Quetzaltenango, and San Juan del Obispo – Sacatepéquez. ALA’s multidisciplinary teams provide specialized and tailored care annually to over 250 victims of violence, particularly violence against women and children, sexual violence, and human trafficking, from across the country and the Central American region.


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171 Pier Avenue, #271
Santa Monica, CA 90405 – USA

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