Ximena Menéndez

Professional singer and multidisciplinary artist, specialized teacher in Art and Culture with a focus on music, graduated from the National School of Folklore “José María Arguedas”. She is a choir director and music composer.

She grew up with the traditional songs of her grandmother and father. Before her teaching studies, she studied music at “Satchmo” music school and “Leandro Alviña” school. She also took classes with teachers like José Pérez-Saco and Bertrand Valenzuela from the National Conservatory of Music, and Roberto Arguedas Caycho.

Ximena studied traditional music with various artists such as Chalena Vásquez (Musicology), Chimango Lares (Ayacucho), Enrique Pinto Cárdenas (Lima), José Calisaya (Puno), Rosario Goyoneche (Lima), Esther Condori (Cusco), María Vilca (Chachapoyas), María Apaza (Q’eros, Cusco), Jorge Choquehuillca (Sicuani, Cusco).

She worked as a vocal and choir director at Sinfonía por el Perú (Huaraz, Áncash), and as the musical director of the Munay Pukllay project, a playroom at CCAIJO (Andahuaylillas, Cusco). She was an Art and Culture teacher at I.E.P. “Perú Japón” (Los Olivos, Lima) and at I.E.S. “Sagrado Corazón – Chalet” (Chorrillos, Lima).

She taught music in private schools and in rural projects with the municipality in the communities of Patacancha, Huilloc, and Rumira Sondormayo – Ollantaytambo; Cuyo Grande – Pisac and Chumbivilcas.

Ximena participated in various popular music productions, and was the vocalist in projects like “Roberto Arguedas y calle dura” (Afro-Peruvian), “La Trama Popular” (Andean and popular fusion), and Sonqotaki (solo project and research on traditional singing techniques).

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