Giving Opens The Way

We make a life by what we give. The short film GIVING OPENS THE WAY is an inspirational story about how a righteous donation reaches out and touches hearts halfway around the world for three young girls in remote Tintale Village, Nepal. On behalf of the villagers, we thank Dustin for initiating this special action and we deeply appreciate his generous friends for hearing the call to change the lives of someone they have never met.

Back in 2008 when we began our music program in Tintale Village, Nepal we encountered attitudes regarding educating girl children. In our outreach efforts to the community we heard over and over it was a waste of time to educate girls.

Only 1 girl enrolled. 

But Change happened.

Now 10 years later girls outnumber boys in many of our classes.

That’s because in exploration of music and the arts our students find their voices.

For girl children who live in areas of the world where gender and hierarchical systems often dictate available opportunities: finding your voice means finding your strength and power. It’s about discovering you are a leader.

Today is International #DayOfTheGirl let’s honor them with a gift of education.

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Join us in bringing change to the lives of over 2,000 children a week by making a tax-deductible gift to our Crowdrise campaign today!

Help us in our quest to give children the childhood they deserve. An investment in children is an investment in the future.

#WeArePlayingForChange #DayOfTheGirl

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You can mail your checks at:

Playing For Change Foundation,

171 Pier Avenue, #271
Santa Monica, CA 90405 – USA

If you wish to give via Wire transfer, give stock or assets please email us at