A – Basic Rhythm exercises / Rhythm awareness:
Here is a series of rhythmic exercises based on the song to be executed over the bassline audiofile.
Bassline in G (written in F clef):
Students will clap on different rhythmic patterns over the bassline during one cycle of 8 bars:
1 – All students clap on beat 1 during one cycle of 8 bars.
Use a speaker and sing along!
> This should be repeated with all students, some students individually , and small groups of students.
2- All students clap on beats 2 and 4 (also called the “upbeat”).
3- All students clap 2 eighth notes on beat 2 and clap 1 quarter note on beat 4
4- All students clap beat one and the “and” of 2
5- All students clap on beat 4
Adding Melody / Harmony
Now that the students can feel and understand the rhythms of the song let’s dive into harmony:
- Everybody sings the simplified bass line: beat 1 and & of beat 2 with the sound “Doo”.
This should then be executed while clapping on beats 2 and 4 of each measure
- Practice individually and all together.
One interesting way to practice this is with a group is to do 2 measures per student and create a circle so each student gets to sing only 2 bars and follow the exercise.
- Assign a bass group and divide the rest of the class in three groups to focus on the vocal harmony:
- Voice 1 (high)
- Voice 2 (mid)
- Voice 3 (low)
- Voice 4 (Bass)
In order to assign each group of students according to their appropriate voice, practice each voice part with all students before you assign them to voice 1, 2 or 3.
Each group sings the sound “Doo” until the first verse.
Here are the 4 voices from high to low:
And the voice 4 (simplified bass line):
Then practice all parts together on intro
This should then be executed while clapping on beat 2 and 4 of each measure
- On the verse, the bass group sings the full bassline with the sound “Doo” and voices 1, 2 & 3 sing whole notes with the sound “Ooh”.
Voice 4 (full bass line):
Voice 1:
Voice 2 :
Voice 3:
Practice all parts together on the verse.
This should then be executed while clapping on beat 4 of each measure:
On the chorus, the bass group keeps singing the full bass line with the sound “Doo” and voices 1, 2 & 3 sing “Stand By Me”, using two different rhythmic patterns: the first one start on the first beat, and the second start on the second beat.
Then practice all parts together on chorus.
This should then be executed while clapping on the following rhythm with two eighth notes on beat 2 and a quarter note on beat 4:
>> Practice the whole song from the top
>> Assign a lead singer (it could be the teacher to begin with) and practice the whole song from the top with the lead singer.