We will first take a look at the PFC version of Down by the Riverside, in G, through a simple three part harmony for the vocals. Each voice has its own printable music sheet and audio file for reference and practice.
We’ll then focus on a three part harmony for A Better Place and transpose Down By the Riverside in F in order to combine both songs. See scores and audio files for individual and group practice.
The last part of this lesson will consist in working on writing an original verse and chorus for the medley.
I’m Gonna lay down my burden
Down by the riverside (3×)
Gonna lay down my burden
Down by the riverside
I ain’t gonna study war no more
Study war no more
Study war no more
Composed by Enzo Buono and PFC Band.
Freedom and Justice
Is the melody that let us shine on
If you feel it through the music
You can make this world a better place
I ain’t gonna study war no more
Study war no more
Ain’t gonna study war no more
The song is demonstrated here in its original tone (F) by Mermans Mosengo and Jason Tamba from the Playing For Change Band.
In order to create a medley combining Down By the Riverside and A better Place we will transpose Down By the Riverside to F.
Here is an arrangement of in three part harmony for both songs in F, as a vocal group practical exercise.
Let’s start with A Better Place:
Voice 1 : (Main voice)
Audio Player
Voice 2: (A third higher)
Audio Player
Voice 3: (low voice)
Audio Player
Let’s now look at the three part harmony for Down By The Riverside in F.
Voice 1:
Chorus 1 :
Audio Player
Chorus 2 :
Audio Player
Voice 2:
Chorus 1 :
Audio Player
Chorus 2 :
Audio Player
Voice 3:
Chorus 1 :
Audio Player
Chorus 2 :
Audio Player
In groups of 2 students, choose a chorus from one of the 2 songs.
Use a similar rhythmic and melodic phrasing but replace the original lyrics with your own text and using your own language instead of English.
Choose a particular theme to develop the lyrics if needed.
After each group has created its own lyrics, each group sings it with the full group.
> See example of a verse adapted to a different language in the PFC version of Down by the Riverside at 1:42