Guitar Student

PFC Patagonia, Argentina

Nahuel Arin is a 12-year old guitar student at the PFC Patagonia music program and this is the second year he participates with his father in this music program. Nahuel began playing guitar at age 11 and today is part of the PFC Patagonia assembly that plays in various social and benefit events. His dream is to make a living in music and he tells us that music is everywhere, we just need to listen.

Nahuel Arin es un alumno de guitarra de la escuela PFC Patagonia, tiene 12 años y este es el segundo año que está participando en este programa junto a su padre. Comenzó a tocar a los 11 años y hoy forma parte del ensamble de PFC Patagonia que toca en diversos eventos sociales y a beneficio. Nahuel sueña con vivir de la música y nos dice que la música está en todos lados, sólo necesitamos escuchar.