A group of business students from The Ohio State University are currently at the Bizung School of Music & Dance in Tamale, Ghana working on a consulting project focused on making the on-site recording studio into a sustainable revenue source. Student Megan Fisher shares the group's experience at this music and dance program:

Myself and a team of five other Ohio State students are in the middle of our two week stay at the Bizung School of Music & Dance in Tamale, Ghana. During our time here there have been countless transformational experiences, and I would like to highlight the most influential ones here. I’ve learned that happiness isn’t defined by material objects. The people of Tamale, especially the children, find so much joy in relationships, and experiences. Giving out high fives or fist bumps was all we needed to get a smile or a laugh out of the many children that came up to us during our time here. Another experience we have had during our time here is learning from the students how much music has added to their lives. They all started as unskilled as the six of us and overtime they were able to grow as dancers and as individuals. Many of the students are now older and have been coming to the school since its initial opening in 2010. They have seen the changes and additions throughout the years and are incredibly grateful for what the school has brought them. Our experience here in Tamale has shown us so much love and acceptance. Despite our cultural differences, we have been treated with nothing but kindness. My team and myself are incredibly sad as the days here grow fewer and our project comes to a close. - Megan Fisher

Our group in front of the Playing For Change Foundation painted sign.

After developing a business model and marketing strategy, these students are excited to launch a week-long “flash” campaign focused raising funds to meet the studio’s biggest need: Soundproofing.

If you are interested in learning more about this campaign or are interested in donating, visit the GoFundMe page.