Grace Ketlyn Efigênio Leite

Maracatu Teacher Cajuru Music Program – Brazil Grace is a member of the Cajuru community and has played Maracatu since she was seven years old when she first discovered the PráQbrá Project (which provides percussion and popular culture classes). In 2020 she traveled to the city of Recife to improve her skills and to get … Read More

Amanda Simonini

Drama Teacher Cajuru Music Program – Brazil Amanda studied Acting at the Professional Theater Centre in the Lala Schneider Theater. She became a professional actress in 2019 with approval on board at the SATED-PR (Union of Artists and Technicians in Entertainment in the State of Paraná). She has experience in dance and singing and since … Read More

José Vilmar Ferraz Nascimento

Football Instructor Cajuru Music Program – Brazil José Nascimento is a proud member of the Cajuru community and part of the Cajuru Security Council – CONSEG as well as of the fiscal council of the Residents Association of Conjunto Moradias Cajuru since 2015. José is currently the president of this association and serves as a … Read More

Moisés Ferreira

Maracatu Teacher Cajuru Music Program – Brazil Moisés is a member of the Cajuru community and he started learning maracatú at the age of eight. He discovered Maracatú through the NGO Grande Roda de Tambores and its PráQbrá Project (which provides percussion classes), in which he participated until the age of 20. He is co-founder … Read More

Colby Adams

Vocals and musical theater Teacher Cajuru Music Program – Brazil Colby Adams has been a music lover since he was a child. Born in Omaha, Nebraska, USA, he started learning piano at the age of eight, developing his musical passions through musical theater, private singing lessons, choirs, and collegiate music courses. In 2015, he graduated … Read More

Giovana Blum

Musical Theatre Teacher Cajuru Music Program – Brazil Giovana is an actress, singer and dancer based in Curitiba, Brazil. She has received training in musical theater at the Broadway Dance Center in New York and studied drama at the Cena Hum Academy in Brazil. Giovanna also studied the Emotional Body method, developed by choreographer and … Read More

Fábio Macedo

Percussion Teacher Cajuru Music Program – Brazil Fábio Macedo is a musician and law graduate from PUC-PR, specialized in Arts and Arts Teaching. Fábio works as an artist and an educator, focusing on Brazilian, Latin American, and other traditional rhythms from different parts of the world. As a percussionist Fábio has been part of several … Read More

Graziele Pereira Ficagna

Secretary Cajuru Music Program – Brazil Graziele Ficagna forms part of the Cajuru community and is the mother of two children that are currently among the music students here. Since 2019 she works at the Cajuru Music Program as a secretary. She also works in event management at her company Ficagnas Events, which organizes and … Read More

Anamaría Ribeiro

Vocal Teacher Cajuru Music Program – Brazil Anamaría is a singer and also a singing teacher. She studied singing and acting at the Paraná Conservatory of Music (Conservatório de Música do Paraná). She performs as a vocalist in the Namastê Band as well as in other bands and projects. In addition, she does artistic production, … Read More

Marilia Zamilian

Dance Teacher Cajuru Music Program – Brazil Marilia graduated in Dance at the Faculty of Arts of Paraná and has specialized in Contemporary Studies in Dance at the UFBA. She also graduated in yoga at CEPY – Yoga Studies and Practices Centre. Between 2011 and 2013, Marilia performed as a dancer at the Téssera Dance Company (Téssera Companhia … Read More

César Augusto Crepaldi

Music Teacher & Educational Supervisor Cajuru Music Program – Brazil César has been a professional musician since 1990. He plays a variety of instruments including guitar, piano, bass, cavaquinho, percussions, and also sings. César has been involved in music education projects since 2003 and is also a very skilled instrument maker. With a degree in … Read More

Virginia Martins

Program Administrator Cajuru Music Program – Brazil Virginia has been with PFC since the beginning of the Cajuru Music Program. She holds a degree in Education and has worked with children and teenagers her entire career. She is now working as the head administrator for the Cajuru Music program. Virginia strongly believes in the power of … Read More