Ella Windsor

Board Member

Ella met Playing for Change Co-Founder Mark Johnson in Santa Monica in July 2012 with PFC Band members Jason Tamba and Mermans Mosengo. Since then she has never looked back. She loves music and how music can help people, especially young people. An adviser to Latin American companies, she also supports non-profits such as Toucan Ventures for young creative entrepreneurs. Based in London, Ella is also a writer and contributes articles on arts and culture for various publications, including Monocle magazine. She studied Comparative Literature and Social Anthropology at Brown and Oxford universities. After teaching children through song at Projeto Uere in a highly challenged favela in Rio de Janeiro, curating musical arts events in Buenos Aires and researching the social benefits of dance in Colombia, with El Colegio del Cuerpo (The School of the Body), she feels honoured to serve on the Board of Directors for the Playing for Change Foundation.

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Playing For Change Foundation,

171 Pier Avenue, #271
Santa Monica, CA 90405 – USA

If you wish to give via Wire transfer, give stock or assets please email us at contact@playingforchange.org