Imvula Music program
Gugulethu, Cape Town, South Africa
200 students
12 staff
Since 2016
The Imvula Music Program has been established in 2016 and implemented across different locations and schools in the townships of Gugulethu and Philippi. The program brings music education into the lives of diverse groups of children, and provides lunches to more than 200 students several times a week.
The program is being led by a local team of teachers and admins who are all from the surrounding townships. Students are learning marimba, vocals, drums, guitar, saxophone and keyboard as well as dance. We also provide snacks to our students on a daily basis.
The township of Gugulethu is the very first place where PFCF started working back in 2009.
Life in the community
The townships of Cape Town are densely populated areas primarily established during apartheid as segregated communities for non-white residents. Despite their historical roots in systemic inequality, these townships have evolved into dynamic cultural hubs with a rich tapestry of traditions, languages, and community spirit. The townships of Cape Town face significant challenges with high criminality rates, which are linked to socio-economic factors, unemployment, and limited access to education and opportunities.
Multiple locations and schools
African heritage
Nutrition program
Educational support

Inside a Dance Class in Mali!
We present this video of a dance class in Mali, showcasing the amazing dance program in the ancient village of Kirina, and symbolic of the outstanding efforts of our team to widen opportunities for girls and female leaders not just