Lhewfü Suena

Patagonia, Argentina

100 students

10 staff

Since 2015

Lhewfü Suena means “The River sounds”, from a combination of Mapuche and Spanish words. This program is distributed across several locations between the cities of Neuquén and General Roca, in the Argentinian Patagonia region.

The program focuses on music education and transmission of the Mapuche cultural heritage. From Mapuche language lessons to traditional and modern music, this program is bringing weekly free arts education and cultural activities to 100 children and youth in the region.

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Life in the community

Centro de Educación Mapuche “Norgvbamtuleayiñ” is a cultural center located in Neuquén and dedicated to the preservation of the Mapuche culture and language. Since 2021, PFCF supports Mapuche language classes and Mapuche music activities in this center. Twice a month, participants and teachers come to Paso Cordoba to host activities at the school to help transmit Mapuche culture and values in the community.

General Roca: Percussion, guitar, vocal and dance lessons are being help several times a week by our local team in a public school located in General Roca, reaching 60 children on a weekly basis.

Traditional music

Traditional music

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Icon 1 Inside a Dance Class in Mali!

We present this video of a dance class in Mali, showcasing the amazing dance program in the ancient village of Kirina, and symbolic of the outstanding efforts of our team to widen opportunities for girls and female leaders not just

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Discover this program
  • Traditional West African Dance | Kirina, Mali
  • Oumar Dembelé | Ecole de Musique de Kirina
  • Traditional dance performance: Kirina, Mali
  • When Malian Music Meets Beethoven | Massani Cisse | Ecole...
  • Koussa Kora Balla | Music performance at Ecole de Kirina,...
  • Guedé | A Rhythm from Ecole de Musique de Kirina,...
  • Boubacar & Nfaly: Sabou Diaby
  • Fakoly Fassa | Ecole de Musique de Kirina
  • Adama Tama solo performance in Kirina
  • Sacko Dougou by N'Faly and Gouem: Ecole de Musique de...
  • Welcome to Ecole de Musique de Kirina, Mali
  • A 360° dance class in Mali
  • Ecole de Musique de Kirina | Kora and vocals feat....
  • Meet Oumou, a young musician in Mali
  • Our music school in Mali dedicates a groove to the...
  • Ecole de Musique de Kirina Mali Kora student Gouem
  • Damon Albarn visits our school in Kirina, Mali
  • Student Performance | Kirina, Mali


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