Udayapur Music program

Udayapur district, Nepal

200 students

18 staff

Since 2010

The Udayapur Music Program is operating across 3 locations in the Udayapur district, located in eastern Nepal: in the village of Tintale and in the towns of Katari and Ghaigat.

This music program reaches 200 youth between the three locations, providing music education to children and teenagers that would not access this kind of activities otherwise. Facing major obstacles due to class inequality, the local team has worked for over a decade to prove to community members that music can be a powerful tool to tell the stories from the community and promote community development. Over the last decade this program has grown from a handful of students to a unique cultural and educational initiative for the whole region.

The staff is composed of 8 members teaching traditional and classical music as well as dance, providing over 100 weekly hours of music instruction to the youth of Udayapur.

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Life in the community

The Udayapur district is one of the 14 districts of Province No. 1 of eastern Nepal, with a population of about 350,000 people.This region is highly multicultural, and includes over 20 ethnicities (the 3 main ones Chhetri, Rai and Magar represent about 50% of the population), several religions (with 73% Hindu, 13% Buddhist, 10% Kirat), and dozens of languages. Most people in that region actually speak 3 different languages but only half of them speak fluent Nepali.
Agriculture is by far the main activity in that region, benefiting from a very fertile soil and a tropical climate. Rice and corn fields are everywhere as well as mango and teak trees.

3 locations

Traditional music

Community development

200 weekly students


Icon 1 Music to change Mentalities

Highlighting the inspirational social impact of our programs in rural eastern Nepal. Using music for positive change, we tackle caste discrimination, gender violence, and provide new and unparalleled educational opportunities for local youth. Watch this video of our program leaders

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Discover this program
  • Tintale Village, home of the Udayapur Music program and Tintale...
  • New Program Location in Gaighat Nepal.mov
  • Five Years Later | Tintale Village, Nepal
  • Udayapur Music Program | Tintale Village, Nepal
  • Tintale Village Music Program - Tintale Village, Nepal
  • Interview with Samiksha | Katari, Nepal
  • Kiran Nepali visits the Udayapur Music Program
  • Udayapur Nepal, Overview
  • Hip Hop Dance in Nepal

Udayapur ON A MAP

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